
Yifan Wang is a PHD student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Florida (UF). He obtained his Master’s degree from the CISE department at the University of Florida in 2019 and Bachelor’s degree from the EIC Department at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2017. Currently he is a member of the Data Science Research (DSR) Lab at UF. He is particularly interested in Databases, especially high-dimensional data systems like vector database, AI+DB, Data Analytic Systems, as well as Information Retrieval. He currently pursues research topics about “AI + Data Systems”, such as specialized database architecture design for AI development and deployment, and AI-accelerated high-dimensional data management. His papers have been accepted by top-tier conferences like VLDB. And he is a Program Committee (PC) member of CIKM 2022 and VLDB 2025.

On job market in 2024.